Drug and Alcohol Testing Coordination
Drug and alcohol testing is only one element, albeit a very important tool, to establish and maintain a substance abuse prevention program. DSG assists its clients in establishing or modifying its testing program by working with the client and with vendors providing testing services to ensure that the testing program supports the company’s policy, is legally sound and is generating the best return on investment. Having the right combination of testing and testing technologies enables the company to:
- Minimize the potential of hiring substance abusers
- Reinforce the company position on drug and alcohol use and abuse
- Identify current users and abusers
- Convince "casual users" that the cost of using is too high
- Deter "recreational" drug use that could lead to safety issues and addiction
- Reduce the costs of alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace
- Give recovering users another reason to stay sober (relapse prevention).
- Comply with Federal regulations, e.g., the DOT/FMCSA
- Comply with customer or contractual requirements
- Comply with insurance carrier requirements
DSG will review and evaluate the existing testing program and, as appropriate, identify new testing, options, methodologies and services. The evaluation includes:
- testing methodologies including urine, breath, oral fluids, blood and hair testing
- rapid testing
- on site testing
- blending methodologies and technologies
- panel options
- specimen collection procedures
- certified laboratory
- certified Medical Review Officer (MRO)
Client Comments:
“Moving forward with drug and alcohol testing was a big decision for us and one that had a lot of questions and concerns. But with your guidance, vast knowledge and support, we are up and going and have full confidence in what we are doing and the services that we are receiving . . . and yes we have gotten some positive test results that surprised us!”
With your assistance we restructured our testing program to better fit our unique needs. We modified when testing will occur and combined a mix of technologies that are more compatible to our operations . . . . AND our managers are more responsive to the program and we are saving money!”