Employee Education
The best thing about a good substance abuse prevention program is the fact that it is equally beneficial for employers and employees. Supportive measures through education guarantee that employees will more readily accept the policy. Studies have shown that employees that are educated on the company’s policy are 3 times less likely to produce a positive drug or alcohol test result. If the program benefits are successfully communicated, it can:
- Motivate employees to support the program
- Educate them on the trends and fact concerning drug abuse
- Provide an understanding of the negative impacts of substance abuse at work and at home
- Serve as a meaningful deterrent for substance abuse
- Lower discrimination, retaliation, and harassment
- Have the courts look favorably at your policy and program
Employee education can be provided in variety of approaches to support your needs and operations. All the approaches are based specifically on your company policy and you can utilize one or any combination of the following:
- Face-to-face presentations
- Employee Education Reference Guide - a guide that is custom-designed, camera-ready, easy-to-read
- PowerPoint presentation that is custom-designed
- Webinars
- Conference calls
The information provided encompasses the:
- benefits of the policy and program
- effects on the workplace and family
- statistics on substance abuse and abusers
- review of the policy with the do’s and don’t’s
- accuracy and options of testing
- consequences for a violation
- what are addiction and treatment options
Client Comments:
“I am so happy we made the decision to have you present to our employees last week! You are incredibly professional, approachable, and extremely knowledgeable in the subject matter.
“Your company conducted education for 145 employees and training for 45 supervisors/managers four months ago and I am thrilled to say that they are all still talking about it.”
“We thought we might get some resistance from our employees, but after the educational sessions you did, the buzz was how great your presentation was and how it all made sense to them. Thanks!”